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Mahika Bansal

Community Outreach Secretary

Mahika Bansal is an accomplished artist and an inspiring young leader who has dedicated herself to using her talents to make a positive impact in her community and beyond. Born in Brooklyn, New York and raised in Redmond, Washington, Mahika's passion for art and creativity began at a young age. She started painting as a way to express herself and found that it brought her great joy and satisfaction.

Over the years, Mahika has participated in numerous art contests and won many national and international awards. Her artistic talent and passion have been recognized by many, including her crowning as Miss Pre-Teen India Washington 2022 and winning the talent round for the Global Women’s Festival 2022 amongst all age groups.

Mahika's philanthropic work began during the COVID-19 pandemic when she felt compelled to use her art to spread joy and help those in need. At just 11 years old, she organized a successful fundraiser for Seattle Children's Hospital, which raised over $1,000. She then began teaching painting classes to seniors and donated meals to women in need, using her cooking and baking skills. This experience inspired Mahika to found Create2Help, a non-profit organization that promotes kindness and community through creativity.

Create2Help brings together artists and volunteers to participate in community outreach events and raise funds for various causes. Mahika firmly believes that anyone who has the ability to create can use their talents to make a positive impact. Her passion for giving back through her creativity has inspired many others to join her mission. Together, Mahika along with her team have successfully organized many community outreach events; to name a few, a greeting card drive as well as an art supply drive to help people in need.

Despite her many accomplishments, Mahika remains humble and focused on her mission of spreading kindness and helping others. She believes that by working together, we can create a kind and connected community where everyone is willing to lend a helping hand. Beyond traditional painting, Mahika also loves the preforming arts such as Indian traditional and Bollywood dance, along with Gymnastics.

In summary, Mahika Bansal is an inspiring young leader who uses her talents to make a positive impact. Her passion for art, kindness, and community outreach has made her a role model for many, and her work with Create2Help continues to inspire and motivate others to use their creativity to make a difference.

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