Creativity for Change
Creative for Change comprises an Expressions Arts Prep Academy group of 11 students collaborating to orchestrate community outreach initiatives, aiming to bring joy to senior living homes. Simultaneously, they gain hands-on experience in crafting and managing their own businesses, fostering entrepreneurship skills.

The Expressions Youth Boards and Operations Team worked with the Expressions Prep Academy and Creativity for Change to donate hundreds of art supplies for Christmas at the Eastside Baby Corner.

Creativity for Change Art Prep Academy Students hosted a team gathering event at Anderson Park in preparation for a community outreach event in which they painted rocks and set up gift bags with an art kit (paint set, palette, brushes, sample rock & blank rock) for the seniors at Redmond Heights.

Redmond Heights (Assisted living for seniors)
Creativity for Change Art Prep Academy Batch held a community outreach event at Redmond Heights to provide seniors with the joy of painting rocks and listening their rich life experiences and spreading the joy of creativity!