Ananya Aatreya
Community Outreach President
I am Ananya drawing and painting have been my passion since I was four, when I started learning under Hazeena Jamal. I create my art using watercolors, oil pastels, color pencils, pencil shading, charcoal, acrylic, and oil paint.
I participated in a National PTA Reflections contests since middle school and won district level prizes each year. I secured second place in Washington state in the 2020 Federal Junior Duck Stamp contest. In 2021, Bellevue Art Museum selected my painting ‘Stars in her eyes’ for display in the ’20 under 20′ contest. I have been trained under a certified Bob Ross Instructor, Sweety Saradha. I am a Level 1 Certified Onestroke instructor as well. Besides that, I participated and won several International Art Contests.
I love giving back to the community. I do that by volunteering at Bob Ross painting workshops, and taking art classes for free or for donation towards various noble causes, including Love to Share Foundation of America, Backpack Meals for Kids, LLS, etc. I also take weekly lessons at Audubon Elementary as a part of the Kids Art Club.